‘Be back before it’s dark…’

My mother’s words run through my head like a mantra as, over 35 years later, my hubby and I peddle frantically along the narrow lanes on our bikes after a lovely afternoon at the ‘Yarlington Fringe’. 

Feeling as if we were naughty teenagers we left our friends as the music was getting louder, and the sun was setting, conscious that we hadn’t intended to be out so late & that our bikes had no lights.

I remembered my rebellious teenage years,staying out as long as possible & arguing with my parents, -sat in the living room with lights on, making it seem even darker outside, -swearing that it ‘was still light when I was peddling back’. 

This evening it could be argued that it was still light, until a car appeared with lights on, 

Like our teenage selves all those years ago, we could still jump off our bikes & hide in the hedge until danger had passed, wondering if our own sons did this, or were they the irresponsible ones any motorist comes across at night, no lights, wearing black….at least we had our helmets on! 
We, and our kids , are lucky to live in the countryside & we do still have small lanes that rarely have anything more than dog walkers, a horse or a tractor. I am all too aware of how dangerous roads are these days, especially as we cycled through our town earlier competing with holiday traffic & lorries.

So, tonight we were naughty, a little bit wild, living life in the fast lane, and what fun it was too! 

Last time I cycled was during the summer of 2008. During my non- mobile years my beautiful bike ( bought new from a sorely missed local character Bernie Hockey in Castle Cary in 2004), was stored in the garage, patiently awaiting my return to health. Mr C polished the cobwebs off & changed the tyres & now it’s good as new, just like me! 

We got home safely, our boys weren’t worried about where we were or if we were careful, so we’re free to go out again, although next time we will remember to put the lights back on! 

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