Maintaining balance

'Making time to smell the Roses to stay balanced'
‘Making time to smell the Roses to stay balanced’
I have learned so very much over the past seven years, not only about my body and health, but also about my self, what it is about me that makes me who I am and how that affects my wellbeing.

In the early days of being poorly it was all about finding a cure, a quick fix back to health. Despite this I do remember only too clearly the fear of an ‘over night recovery’ – the ‘take this & you’ll be back to your old self’ remedy.

Until you’ve been ill this may not make sense, how could anyone possibly not want to get better? This is missing the point, getting better was all about my ‘old self’ and yet it was that ‘self’ that made me ill in the first place. My body and my mind were out of kilter, balance. I had to find a new ‘me’ and let go of the old me.

I’ve always been full of enthusiasm and , what I thought was, energy, but it was all ego driven. I wanted to be the best at whatever I did, and then it was painting.

I was craving recognition, as we all are in one way or another. The difference was that I was craving recognition from everyone, not just my parents or friends, but even people I’d never met or were ever likely to meet!

My mind wasn’t listening to my body, I’d push through one more day, one more painting, one more exhibition whilst trying to be a super wife and mother at the same time.

So, I’ve learned that for me to be ready for recovery I had to not only learn who I really am but also who my body can let me be then accept whatever that was.

I had to find balance.

People are now regularly asking me ‘ what have you done to get better?’ ‘What finally worked?’

Most people are expecting a simple answer, that it was one particular tablet or remedy, or the most recent treatment I had taken.

In truth though what has worked for me is the culmination of all the treatments, each one followed the last at the right time. Each treatment healed a small part of my body or mind that needed healing then led me to the next layer of treatment.

So, for me, the route to recovery was this: rest, LA Stone therapy, homeopathy, diet, rest, quantum S.C.I.O, EFT, balance healing,Bowen therapy, Gupta method, reiki, NLP, rest, cranial osteopathy,supplements,Epsom salt baths,  intravenous B12 , kinesiology, rest, colonic irrigation, hydrotherme massage, Mia fascia massage, acupuncture, rest, physiotherapy, Dr Sarah Myhill protocol,cognitive behaviour therapy,Coconut Oil pulling, holistic healing, Theta healing, writing, thinking, meditation & herbal / Tibetan medicine.

Many of these treatments were on going throughout and many of them I will continue to use to maintain balance. Seeing Lucy Jones of Myrobalan clinic with her Herbal & Tibetan medicine was however  a major part of my ‘jigsaw’. She is also the one who inspired me to embark on my Herbal medicine course.

Lucy helped me to see that it was indeed all about balance. 

I have learned that to maintain balance for my body and mind, going back to who I was and what I did is not an option. To many peoples surprise, that isn’t a problem. I have spent the last seven years clearing my slate and now I can create any number of new possible ‘mes ‘.

If my balance falters I am now acutely aware of the signs that my body gives me, I can no longer afford to ignore them. In fact I know now that I couldn’t afford to ignore them in the first place!

Hannah Taylor is an extraordinary holistic healer & counsellor who has treated me regularly over the past twelve or more years. During a recent ‘imbalance ‘ she taught me to let go of those last bits of ego. As I was gaining more energy a force within me was literally bursting to get out and be that ‘hundred mile an hour, bigger & better than before’ Paula. Deep within me I know I have a slower steadier pace and its that deep knowing voice that I have to learn to listen to. I am ‘enough’ with just who I am right now.

I do feel I’m in a place of maintaining  my balance. I meditate most days and meet up with friends weekly for a group meditation. I still have my daily Epsom salt baths. I start each day with a drink of warm water with fresh lemon juice & a teaspoon of raw honey from my bees.Then I oil pull with coconut oil. Twice a day I do a series of exercises to keep my muscles strong to support my bones & joints. I have homeopathic medicine to take as & when I need & I take a nap each afternoon. I still watch my diet and am wheat, alcohol, dairy and sugar free & the only supplements I take are a daily ‘sizzling mineral’ wafer in a glass of water.

The mineral wafer was a perfect find, suggested to me by Felicity Jay the colonic specialist who has since become a friend. I have learned that we all need a daily supply of  minerals, and that we get them from the food we eat. It is now also widely known that the food we eat, even when organic, no longer contains those minerals we all so desperately need as our soil, globally, is now depleted of those vital minerals.

I remember many many years ago reading about some Tibetan villages where people were living very long and healthy lives due to drinking glacial waters, rich in vital minerals.

Peter Willoughby, the CEO of sizzling minerals under the company ‘Simply Naturals’ came to be aware of the importance of minerals through his own incredible health story which you can hear about here in this video:

I met Peter last week and heard about his journey and his passion for delivering minerals to all who need or want them. He has found ( after decades of research) a ‘mine’ where he has been able to carefully extract a plant based mineral soil which is uniquely pure. It’s on an American Indian reservation in Utah from a glacier melt, and he works carefully with them, extracting the minerals in a caring and respectful way.  I’d asked how long this supply would last, he replied ‘ if every person on this planet had one wafer a day, it would last for around 160 years’!

This is his passion, and mission and he declared a statement that I have also always believed to be true; ‘ given the right environment and ingredients, the human body can get on with healing itself’.

If you’d like to try these minerals you can order them here: (Please add my ID on your order form so they know how you heard about them- 114696)  sizzling minerals

If you’d like to try them and be rewarded by simply naturals every time you recommend them to someone else, click here; (Please add my ID on your order form so they know how you heard about them- 114696) Order Sizzling Minerals Afiliate

If you’d like to know more comment below or send me a message.

In the mean time, I wish you all luck in finding your own point of balance!

Healers & therapist links:

Charlotte Byass Jamieson Quantum  S.C.I.O & nutrition

Peter Hayton EFT :

Lynda Whiteman Neutral Space

Nicki Hughes , Reiki, LA Stones, Theta healing: Wayside House 

Ben Barnett HTBB Holistic Therapies

Jon Foxon Somerset Chiropractic clinic 7 Kingston Road Taunton Somerset. 01823 336886

Dr Muir Bristol NHS homeopathic hospital

Sally Roberts Physio, Pilates & acupuncture Scott Studio , Castle Cary

Rosie Dowbekin Kinesiologist

Hannah Taylor

Felicity Jay Colonic hydro therapist & iridologist. Insideouthealing

Lucy Jones,Medical Herbalist and Tibetan Doctor Myrobalan Clinic


  1. Dear Paula
    Just yesterday I was wondering how you are & now I know !
    It’s so lovely to read your story & hear of all the modalities that have played a part in it
    So good you found Felicity too !
    Yes balance is everything How blessed you are to have such loving support & may the ‘new’ you grow ever stronger & more radiant xxxx


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