Living with ME

As I am new to this forgive my ramblings! I am/was a professional artist until May this year when I was finally knocked down by CFS/ ME. Having previously been a very busy ‘high achiever’ loving my business- Pc Paintings- an active member of local BNI, mother and wife I am certainly no ‘slacker’ and maybe am paying for my previous doubts over such a ‘dodgy’ illness!

If you don’t know what CFS/ ME is you can see plenty of depressing videos on You-Tube and lots of blogs are around on various miracle cures. I try to stay positive and off anti depressants, which seem to be the main recommended drug.

I am a Reiki master and great believer in homeopathic and complimentary medicines and treatments.So six weeks in to the ‘chronic’ phase I am now well enough to start a blog! I will be updating this whenever I have a surge of energy or just feel compelled to write.


  1. Hey Paula…I will be reading your blog about your progress with interest! You are one of the few women I’ve met who really inspired me. Your love of your family, your work and the world around you and your joie de vivre inspired me at many a BNI meeting.

    I also have a medical condition – I have had the lifelong condition of TN for the past 10 years. I have shunned drug treatment (horrendous side effects and little relief from the acute pain anyway) and although i don’t really ‘do’ complimentary or homeopathic remedies, I am a great believer in the power of positive thinking. On the worst days when I wish someone would shoot me to stop the pain, I try to think positive thoughts and ‘banish my demon’.

    I wish you all the best on your journey back to full health! xxx


    • Wow! That was quick! i was just trying to work out how to link to Linked in, what’s my URL?!! What’s ‘TN’ if you don’t mind sharing, save me googling!
      I do look forward to you visiting, boys away from Aug 8th so three blank weeks to fill!


  2. I will pop over to see you then if that’s okay, Paula! As for TN…I’ll send you a link to one of my notes on Facebook. I wrote a note and stuck it on there last year – as you’ve probably found, people tend to have closed minds and sometimes have no idea what you’re going through. A girl I met at a wedding shoot last year had ME…and I’ve been googling like mad since I heard you’d been diagnosed. Watch out for incoming mail to your Facebook inbox! Keep smiling! x


  3. Hi Paula…glad to hear you are making progress though it must be frustratingly slow for you. Any reasonable prognosis on how long to be expected before you are back to 150 % ? Is it a chance to get stuck into those BIG, life – enhancing books…or are you too fatigued to face it ?
    I have no idea how much / little energy you might have though I do know a young girl in the village had what was thought to be ME and was fatigued / listless for quite a while.
    Can I do anything to help ? provide books ?? Yrs. Peter


    • Hi Peter, thanks for messages, meaning to reply. Loved the book Susy lent me, have finished it now. On audio books at mo as eyes not too good sadly. Will reply more tomorrow


  4. Hi Paula – I’m afraid all this blog stuff is a mystery to me, so I sent you an email, which you might not get, so I’ll try this.

    My younger daughter (the one who had a go at the course) had some undiagnosed condition for some time that made her very lethargic, when she is normally such a live wire. I understand that ME often affects very lively people like yourself.

    I would very much like to pop in sometime. I guess you’d like advance warning – what’s the best way to do that?

    Take care,



  5. Hi Paula,
    Havent got a clue about blogging, even though Alison covered something about it last week in her 10 minutes,
    It seems a good way to keep in contact, I am pleased that you are feeling a bit better, stay posotive and you will get there, then you must return to BNI, as much as I like glen(after all he is one of my drinking partners) his Ed slot is not so appealing as when you deliver them, haha,
    keep your chin up
    Chris Isaac


  6. Hi Paula

    Just want to say that I will also be thinking of you – and can only agree with everyone else’s comments. At least you know that there are plenty of people thinking positive thoughts to help you on your way to recovery. I think the trick is to take each day as it comes and don’t try to do too much too soon – although that will be a huge temptation as you start to recover. Anyway, am impressed you have started a blog – something I keep on meaning to do as well! Have managed to set up Twitter/FB and LinkedIn so am on the way to being a “proper” social networker!! Just as well as my real social life leaves much to be desired….. well, take care and I will be willing your recovery. Jane


  7. Hi Paula. I had no idea you were going through all of this, or that you’d been forced to give up your business. It certainly seems incredibly unfair, but I’m sure you’ll be able to beat this.

    I’ve no great advice to impart regarding ME I’m afraid, but we’ll be thinking of you during your recovery, and keeping up to date with your progress on your blog.

    Are you able to keep your hand in with some artwork, or are your family commitments taking all your time?


  8. Hi Paula – what a great idea – so much easier for keeping in touch with your wide circle of friends! And it saves you from saying the same thing a million times which is probably just as tiring….I loved your comment in an earlier email where you said you were so grateful to a friend for having a ‘non-illness’ conversation – it must be so all consuming at times.

    I spoke to Jules and she is camping next week so we were hoping to pop in the following week one day – we’ll bring lunch!! Let us know when’s best.

    Take care and keep progressing, look forward to catching up love Alice x


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